Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Of The Dog Bite

I try usually try to post a photo taken on the day of my blog post. Today was a pretty gray day and I wasn't too motivated to shoot. So, this photo was taken a couple of weeks ago, but it is somewhat pertinent since I did run at this location today. In fact, lately I've been running in University Place in hopes of literally running into some Curtis team runners. Indeed, today I ran in to a couple of guys and shared part of the run with them.

At the beginning of my run I was cruising along the Zetterberg trails in UP and passed by a familiar house where a couple of enthusiastic English Spaniels consistently bark at me. I have this call that I do whenever I encounter them or any animal, "watchyadoin, whatchyadoin." I somehow think this kind of communication is endearing and I usually get a positive response.

This time as I ran by, the owner was out checking his mailbox. So I took the time to stop and say how much I appreciated his enthusiastic dogs. He reciprocated the appreciation and invited me to pet his dogs through the fence. Bad idea. I'm a fool. The male dog chomped on my finger. It's now swollen as I write.

The guy was very apologetic and invited me in for a clean up and a Band-Aid. He even invited me back for a beer. That won't happen. But I did appreciated his sentiment.

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